Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gibbs Rules - Updated

Leroy Jethro Gibbs is a character on the TV show NCIS. He is often heard quoting "Rules" to his team. Members and Veterans of the Military will recognize a lot of these rules as things they learned while on Active Duty. These are rules they often live by and in many cases good rules to know. Gibbs has said that he has 50 rules. These are the ones that have been used so far.

1. Never let suspects stay together.
1b. Never screw over your partner.
2. Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
3. Don't believe what you're told, always double check.
3b. Never be unreachable.
4. The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself.
Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best.
5. You don't waste good.
6. Never apologize — Its a sign of weakness.
7. Always be specific when you lie.
8. Never take anything for granted.
9. Never go anywhere without a knife.
10. Never get personally involved in a case.
11. When the job is done, walk away.
12. Never date a co-worker.
13. Never, ever involve a lawyer.
15. Always work as a team.
16. If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it. 17.
18. It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
22. Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.
23. Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live.
27. Two ways to follow: 1st way they never notice you; 2nd way they only notice you.
35. Always watch the Watchers
36. If you feel like you are being played, then you probably are.
38. Your case, your lead.
39. There is no such thing as coincidence
40. If it seems like someone is out to get you, they probably are.
42. Never accept an apology from somebody who has just sucker punched you.
44. First things first. Hide the women and children.
45. Clean up your own mess.
51. Sometimes - You are wrong.

And remember… "A slap to the face is an insult — to the back of the head is a wake-up call." As we find more of Gibbs Rules this will be updated. If you know of any I have missed. Let me know.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Children in Charge that piss me off

If this pisses off people - I don't care, it affects my wife's  physical and mental health so I am spouting off.  If you don't like it, call me and we can have a heated discussion about freedom of speech.

It's cold and flu season, and my wife is showing symptoms of the flu.  Which is bad enough, to make matters worse, she works with a pregnant girl, and to top it off the company sent a memo down saying to stay home if you have flu symptoms.  But she has to work, because her boss can't (God Forbid) work a double because she has plans......(you kid, had to get married young, getting divorced....enough said).  My wife keeps hearing garbage about not pulling her weight, or attitude.  If these are true (which I doubt) it is because of the leadership she has had lately.   For example, if she was to close the store, or end a shift, without cleaning up after herself, she would get her butt chewed, yet her boss (this is today's of many) leaves the moment her relief shows up leaving empty racks on the floor, trash in the store areas, and a note, that the people after her need to make sure the mess is cleaned up before the new manager starts training on Monday.  And if it doesn't get done, it won't be the fault of the person who didn't do her job and clean up in the first place, it will be the fault of her babysitters for not picking up after "Baby" (my new name for her...).  Anything that happens, "Baby" does her best to lay the blame off on her subordinates, even when it is something she has done.  One of the subordinates politely warned her that a customer was complaining about "Baby", her response was, that she had received complaints about the subordinate.  Unfortunately for "Baby", two customers are planning on complaining to "Babies" boss about her snotty and arrogant attitude towards them as customers....Karma is coming around.  This is just some of the stuff that irritates me that she does.  I am almost to the point where even though we need the money, I may let her quit, because working in a hostile environment is no good no matter what the pay.

Something to think about when you deal with subordinates.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's getting better....Right

I really am getting irritated with all these people who keep saying everything is getting better. How can it be getting better when property values are down, but property taxes are up. Unemployment is up, and so is inflation. The only thing the government has been improving is there ability to con the American public. I look around me and see more and more of my friends joining the line of the unemployed, and then the Democrats say "It's getting better!". Where? In Russia? Mexico? Where? Cause I know it's not in the US. The only thing getting better here is the Democrats at spending our money. And yet, there are plenty of stupid people who believe the government when they tell us it's getting better, and why do they believe this? Because they can't believe that the Democrats would be anything but good and the Republicans are all bad, even though the Democrats have wasted more money since January bailing out the banks and the big businesses that the Bush administration did in the previous 4 years, give them another few months and they will spend more than Bush did in the first 4 years. And just think, once they have bankrupted the country they can then feel free to turn the country over to the illegal aliens and the terrorists, cause anything else is a violation of their civil rights. (Our civil rights as citizens don't matter, just the rights of the illegal aliens and terrorists.....again criminals civil rights are more important than law abiding citizens.....The Democrat way of life). Have a nice day, I have to go clean my guns.


The following posts are from my blogs on other sites, I have moved them over to blogspot and any updates will be made here. I will post a link to this from my other pages (facebook, myspace, etc). That way I won't have to move my blogs.


Children and Work From June 15, 2009

This morning I am going to talk about children and work. Now when I say children, let me clarify, I am not talking about little kids, or even teenagers working, this is not about chores or sweatshops or any other popular causes. This is about young adults who are entering the working world or who already have been in the working world for a short time. Boys and girls (I say this because even though they are anywhere from 18-25 none of them are really adults), it is time to cut the apron strings and grow the **** up. Let’s look at some examples on people who need a reality check. These are all people who work in retail sales with people I know.

First we have “Baby” a 20 something (I think she is 19 or 20 actually at least I hope that she is actually that young) married girl, not mature enough to be considered a woman, just a little girl playing at being grown up. She is a sales person, whom I would say wants to be paid to sit on her brain. First what I have personally witnessed, one of Baby’s co-workers has a daughter whom is a teen and was brought up right, hard working, wants a job and believes if you are paying her to do something then she had better get it done right. She helps out her mother from time to time with things like cleaning up stock rooms, etc. Just little things to help her mother along, by doing this she has learned the store pretty well. On several occasions, customers were looking for help and Baby would disappear (saw her sneak off myself), the co-workers daughter would answer their questions or help them find something, etc. Basically doing Baby’s job since she wasn’t going to do it, Baby would glare at her and then skulk off. She also expects that whenever she calls someone that they be willing to cover her shift for her, doesn’t do the daily cleanup unless someone specifically tells her to (part of normal duties mind you), etc, the list goes on. And then there is time off, this child has been there less than six months and yet she asks off for a week at a time about every 2-3 weeks, she has to run home to visit Mommy. Is she married? I think not, I think she is playing house (personally I don’t think anyone under 24 should be allowed to get married for reasons like this), and of course she also puts in to be off every holiday. Basically, she wants to be hired for a job where she only has to work when it is convenient for her. I only know of a couple of jobs like that but they are illegal. (See the law under prostitution and drug distribution) Every other job requires you actually put some effort into it, the guys that now work only when they want to, have EARNED that right by busting they butts early on. It wasn’t that way when they were hired.

Next we have “Princess”, Princess is a student whom is working and lives in a delusional world of “Me”. Her idea of showing up on time is to show up the minute she is supposed to start. Then to clock in and take care of personal things like potty breaks, etc. Policy is you show up before hand so that you can take care of these things and then be ready to start work when it is time to clock in. Otherwise you are considered late. She also has been known to be late for work without calling in, or calling in 5 minutes before start time to say she was going to be late. Another child that asks off for every holiday, but her other favorite ploy is the day before she wants off to tell someone in management (other than the store manager who is authorized to change the schedule) that she needs to be off because she has “concert tickets that she forgot she had gotten” (who forgets concert tickets? At that cost, I don’t think so….). Her latest escapade was when Mommy showed up at her work and her and mommy started bad mouthing the store manager to each other in their conversation, loud enough for others to hear. And she wonders why (after only a few months of employment) she didn’t get the promotion to a junior management position that she wanted. Even with all the things she had already been scolded about, written up about she still expected to get the promotion. Why? Because she wanted it, didn’t matter that she hadn’t proven herself or earned it. This child is studying opera singing at college, and expects to be rich someday. My bet is she ends up as a female pudknocker music teacher teaching music in a grade school in a small Podunk town somewhere.

Finally, the last example I am going to use (although I do have many many more). Is something that all of the college students I have seen there (I am assuming that the college students with a decent work ethic are unable to lie enough about when they can work to find employment since I know there are some out there), they tell you that they can work, and then at the last minute. “Oh, I can’t work then, I have something for school, (be it project, event, class, etc). I went to college children, it hasn’t changed much since then, you know well in advance when something is coming up, including changes in your schedule. So this garbage about “I didn’t know until today that this is happening on Monday” is so much BS.

The problem with this starts with the parents, they give these kids every little thing they want, with no real work. So these brats get out in the real world and have no work ethic, employers are just supposed to pay them and kiss their rears because they are gracing them with the benefit of having these brats work for them. I may be wrong but that is the attitude they are displaying. And this makes it even harder for the kids that want to work to find jobs. You would think that with the current economy in the tank and looking like it’s going to be there a while (the government says it’s getting better – but I don’t see it), that these children would do everything they can to keep their jobs. Not bite the hand that feeds them. But then again, they feel entitled to whatever they want.

Now a word for the children:

No matter what you may believe or have learned from your parents, YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EVERY LITTLE THING YOU WANT. If you want something, you need to earn it. This whole generation thinks that they are entitled to have every little thing without putting out any effort and the heck with everyone else. Guess what, the world does not work that way. So you had better get off your lazy behinds and get to work with some effort.

And now a final word from Baby and Princess's Boss after she read the preliminary blog entry:

Pretty funny but TRUE!!! Here is my quote: "If it's more important for you to play than to work and bring home a paycheck, then I say " by golly, you play" because I sure don't mind giving your pay check to another hard working individual and let them pay their bills, I'm sure they appreciate it ...

Life's Rules - From February 07, 2009

Bill Gates gave a speech at a High School and quoted 14 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.
He sure hits the nail on the head with this! To anyone with kids of any age, here's some advice.
This should be posted in all schools and your own homes where your children will see it every day.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school; and you won't be a vice-president with a car phone, not until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now.
They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT.
In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters.
You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life.
In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Rule 12: Smoking does not make you look cool.
It makes you look moronic. Next time you're out cruising, watch an 11-year-old with a butt in his mouth. That's what you look like to anyone over 20. Ditto for "expressing yourself" with purple hair and/or pierced body parts.

Rule 13: You are not immortal. (See Rule No. 12.)
If you are under the impression that living fast, dying young and leaving a beautiful corpse is romantic, you obviously haven't seen one of your peers at room temperature lately.

Rule 14: Enjoy this while you can.
Sure parents are a pain, school's a bother, and life is depressing. But someday you'll realize how wonderful it was to be a kid. Maybe you should start now.

You're welcome.

Welcome To Real Life.

Things that Irritate Me - The Abortion Issue - From February 03, 2009

Let me start off by stating that personally, I am Anti-Abortion. But I also feel that I do not have the right to tell others what they can or can’t do with their bodies. That said; it is time for me to anger the masses and make both the pro and anti abortionists angry with me.

Women, you say it’s your body and you have a right to do with it what you want. Fine, you do that; we will legalize abortions for any reason you want to get them. You won’t need your father or mother’s permission if you’re are under age, and the father of the child will have no input at all. Like that? Is that what you want? Good, but it will come at a price. When you eventually decide that you want to have children, you will have the same sole responsibility for that child too. Don’t ask for any kind of support from the father, his family or the government. It is your body after all to do with it however you want. You can get an abortion if you don’t want to be the sole supported of the child, remember!

Now I do understand there are times when abortions are necessary; incest, rape, mothers health is in danger. These are legitimate reasons for an abortion. Ooops I made a mistake with my pill, or just didn’t feel like taking birth control; or the man should be responsible are not legitimate reasons. If you are really that worried about getting pregnant, keep your legs closed. Abortion at the early stages may or may not be murder depending on your beliefs; that is not what I am writing about. But it is hard on your body, and not a good form of birth control, which is what a lot of these pro-abortion people want it to be. Maybe, just maybe, instead of complaining that abortion is illegal in some cases, you should take responsibility for your actions and at like the adult you are pretending to be.

Late Term abortions: Simply put, it is murder. No matter how you slice and dice the baby it is still murder. Thanks to modern technology, babies are now viable (for those who do not understand big words – this means they can survive and flourish-you know, live) at the six month point, and in some cases, even earlier. No this is not an opinion, this is a fact that any nurse or doctor who work in neo-natal units (special care units for babies born early or with problems) will tell you. So for all those pro-abortionists who are anti-death penalty (funny how a lot of people are concerned about the criminal’s rights but not the rights of the unborn) but pro late-term abortion; make up your mind. Your saying it’s bad to kill a criminal who has repeatedly done things to his fellow man that are unlawful (and I am pro-death penalty by the way), but it IS okay to kill a Baby (yes a baby, once they are viable they are now babies) who has done nothing to anyone other than exist. You can’t have it both ways, if you want that then you are a hypocrite.

For those who are pro-late term abortion and pro death-penalty, I have this question for you. Why did you wait until the six month point, if you wanted an abortion, you should have done it early. And it if was a health issue, the doctor would have warned you earlier. And if it was a health issue that just popped up suddenly after the six month point, have a C-Section, send the baby to a neo-natal unit, and if you don’t want the child, give it up for adoption. There are millions of parents who would love the child.

And for those want the abortions because they are worried about their figures (I actually heard a woman say this—I was in shock); have a tubal done on yourself because you are way too self-centered to be a parent. So do the world a favor and get fixed.

And finally, this bill they have that will basically say that personal conscience is no reason for a doctor, hospital or anyone not to provide an abortion. (This is a part of the FOCA ‘Freedom of Choice Act’ bill that is in session right now) This is bogus, why should a Christian Hospital be forced to provide abortions, there are plenty of non-sectarian hospitals and clinics for people to use. The pro-abortion people that are trying to force Christian hospitals and clinics are now trying to force their religious/non-religious beliefs on them. Grow up and go to a different hospital.

Now for you anti-abortion nut cases.

First of all, drop the violence. You nuts who bomb, shoot, stab, or cause violence in any way shape or form to doctors, nurses, patients, clinics are nothing more than lowlife scum. You are criminals that should face the death penalty. You’re beliefs do not give you the right to take someone’s life who is performing a legal service, or stop someone from receiving that legal service. But then, you probably are some kind of psycho and we won’t be able to stop you.

For the rest of you who are anti-abortion, get off the religious high horse, we have separation of Church and State so that we have NO state sponsored religion, and that all beliefs are allowed. Some people do not believe in God, Allah or any other higher being. That is their choice. If they are right, well, guess we lost out; if they are wrong, for their sake I hope God is all forgiving. Under their belief system abortion is not murder, and up until the sixth month they may or may not be right. Because up until then, the baby is not viable (remember my explanation of viable earlier?), after the sixth month all bets are off. So quit using the bible as a reference and quit using religion to try and force the issue, the law of the land is science, not religion.

There is not a lot for me to say to the anti-abortionists, not because of my beliefs, but because they use the same arguments over and over, “The Bible Says….”, “The Church Says….”, “God Says….”, and my personal favorite, “Live Begins At Conception”. The first three are all religious based and have no place in a legal argument. The last one I say this, PROVE IT.

Finally, for the anti-abortionists out there, do you realize that fewer people have died from abortions gone bad since it was legalized than in any five year period prior to that. Check it out, the figures are online, search criteria is “Adult Deaths caused by abortions” and then give a year range (i.e. 1950-1955). It takes a little effort but the numbers are out there for you to find.

Now before I go, I am going to explain my beliefs so that people will understand where I am coming from:


Practicing Irish Catholic

Former Military

Personally Anti-Abortion – My personal beliefs, why I have them are none of your business.

Politically Pro-Choice - I believe that I do not have the right to dictate my beliefs on others.

Pro-Death Penalty – Executing a murderer does prevent crime, he will never commit another one. And as far as his rights, who cares, he didn’t care about the rights of his/her victims.

Anti-Late Term Abortion – Personally and politically, once the baby is viable it is alive, and since it committed no crime to be punished for, killing it is murder. If being conceived is a crime, then the criminals are the parents.

Pro Right to Keep and Bear Arms (and to Arm Bears for that matter) – When you outlaw guns, only the Outlaws will have guns.

Pro Military and the War on Terror – We have not had an attack on a US Asset outside of Iraq/Afghanistan since it began. We were averaging one every two years in the ten years prior.

Married four children (three surviving), three girls and one boy.

Don’t like my views? Dial 1-800-279-2229 (1-800-Cry-Baby) and call the ‘Waaahhhh-mbulance’ cause they are my opinions and not yours.

Teen Maturity - From January 21, 2009

I keep hearing that teens are much more mature now than when we were younger. I think people are confusing knowledge with maturity. I listen to kids talk, my wife and I have a great relationship with our daughter (no, I don’t believe I know everything that goes on…I was a teen once myself). She often has her friends over and they talk freely around us, often including us in conversations for our opinions (amazing isn’t it, guess showing respect to youth gets respect in turn). One of the girls at our New Year’s gathering said teens are more mature now, 13 was the new 16 I think she said (or something equally inane). I disagreed without putting her down. I did agree teens were more knowledgeable than when we were kids, but more mature, no, I have seen to many news stories of kids getting in trouble for “sexting” (sending nude pictures of themselves via cell phones), cell phone bills that are in the $1000’s of dollars, and just recently a man had a cell phone bill where his daughter was sending text messages about 1 every 2 minutes for all the waking hours for a month (yes those numbers are correct), they said if he hadn’t had the unlimited text plan it would have totaled $14,000 dollars. And then the girls themselves had stories of girls being proud of being unwed mothers in HS (some with more than one) to be considered mature, girls and boys who would run up ridiculous cell bills texting because they can’t be out of contact with friends. Girls and boys who freak out if not in constant contact with their significant other (puppy love). What I have seen so far is no different from when I was in school. The knowledge level is greater, due to the technology level being greater, more access equals more possible knowledge, but it seems in this day in age in most cases, even less maturity. Only 1 in ten teens really wants a job, most feel it’s the parents responsibility to provide everything they want, including money. That just shows me that they have a very low maturity level, no sense of responsibility to themselves or others. See what they fail to realize is that maturity does not come from the ability to stay connected, heck most of these connected teens can’t even hold a decent conversation, it is not being connected that causes maturity, maturity comes from living life, making mistakes and learning from them, and technology can’t change that. So 13 is still 13, 16 is still 16, and 40+ is still old. Can anyone show me an example which proves me wrong?

Final Note:

If teens mature so much faster now, why are the states imposing more restrictions on driving, smoking and drinking? Because these keep teens alive until they grow up.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Respect Your Elders? From January 21, 2009

I hear this phrase all the time, “You should respect you elders.” My question is “Why?” Because they are older than me? I always thought that you should respect your elders because of their experience and wisdom, but, what about when they have done nothing to earn respect? Do I still respect them because they are my elders? I don’t think so, let’s look at cases and I will make my point.

In the first place there is my father, I respect him, my children respect him, he has been around a long time, he has a lot of wisdom. He loves his children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, etc. He treats all his grandchildren equally, he is good to his friends and family. He treats people fairly. When he has a criticism, he brings it straight to you, you will always know where you stand with him. He is quite possibly the greatest man I know, I would love to be like him, I try, but consistently fall short. That’s life. He is the kind of person that I think of when I hear the phrase “Respect your elders.” Yet for the life of me, I have never, ever heard him use that phrase when talking about himself, others when I was younger, but never himself. He has earned the respect of those around him by his deeds so it was never an issue. But then, it never seems to be an issue with those that have earned the respect of their peers.

As I write this, I think about my own children, and realized that the only time I have ever used that phrase on them has been in play, like when I am teasing my oldest and she sticks out a tongue at me, or when my kids start tickling me. But never when I was upset with their behavior when talking to me.

I also think of my youngest daughter’s soccer coach, I have never heard him utter that phrase. But then he treats everyone with respect, and he shows his knowledge in his teachings. He also accepts input from others and when it warrants it, uses the advice of others. He tries to show little or no favoritism, and trust me, it sucks to be coaches daughter or coaches favorite with him…like when I coach my daughters teams, his favorites and his daughter are expected to perform at least twice as good as the rest, and they do, because they do not want to disappoint
him, because he HAS earned their love and respect through his deeds and actions.

Now let’s look at the other side of the coin……..

My wife has some cousins, by birth and marriage, involved in this next example. Let me describe the two, both female, two different personalities. The first, M we shall call her, has had a life of doing what she wants and getting away with it. She is a spoiled twit whom thinks the world revolves around her (no, I am not fond of her). The second, let’s call her J, was in the AF reserves when I met her, a nice girl whom helped M’s brother grow up a lot (J is M’s sister-in-law by the way). We are at a party at the house of M’s parents a few years ago, about three I believe, and it was getting late. My oldest was sitting at the bottom of the basement stairs, pretty much asleep. J was bring stuff down from to the frig and asked my oldest to move, being asleep she didn’t respond, so J asked again louder. This woke my oldest up who then moved out of the way quickly. The “incident” should have ended there, EXCEPT, M (who was also bringing stuff down behind J) started to chew my oldest out for not responding and moving right away. My oldest being just like daddy, took offense and said she was dozing and didn’t hear her, her tone was not real nice when she said it either. This ticked M off and said that she should respect her elders. M is just her cousin and in no position of authority, so my oldest said she did, When They Earned It. Respect does go both ways. M came to my wife, who basically told her my oldest was right and she had no right to yell at her in the first place.

Next example is my oldest girl’s former soccer coach. He is a nice guy, and he is good with the younger kids (say up to about the age of 10). But at that point the girls that were playing were starting to take the game seriously. He was still babying them and letting them play around, skip practice, etc. The girls started to lose more and more games because not a lot was expected from them. He also had his favorites, his daughter for one and one of our strikers for another. The rest of the team saw this (as did the parents) and saw how the favorites got away with a lot (more his daughter than the striker because her parents didn’t let her pull garbage), if an issue broke out between his daughter and another player, his daughter would often threaten physical violence on the girl involved. It was only the threat of me stepping in or the other assistant coach that kept our daughters from beating her to a bloody pulp (and often the restraint of other players). In contrast when the assistant coaches ran the show we won games because we did not care which girl is was, if you goofed off you were benched. The other assistant benched his daughter for poor play in a game and chewed her out to the point that her Mom got mad about him embarrassing her (she was back in by the second half and playing at 100%). My daughter on the other hand always said it sucked being the coaches daughter, I was always harder on her because I expected more. The head coach, after one game where we lost and during the after game talk one of the girls mouthed off, told them that they should respect their elders since they knew more (I didn’t tell him the one that was mouthing off was his). One of the girls asked “Isn’t respect something that was earned?” Which got the entire team chewed out after they stopped snickering, but she was right, respect is something that has to be earned.

My final example, and then I will finish out what I am saying here is this one. My oldest, does not do things that irritate or upset either of her grandfathers, she does not speak up or talk back or anything that could be deemed “disrespectful”. On the other hand, when her grandmother starts to chew out her, or her brother or sister for something they didn’t do (they are usually getting blamed for something there cousin did – see my blog entry on in-laws), she will stand up and defend herself or her siblings. If they did it she brings it to me so I can step in and handle the discipline (my mother-in-law and I rarely see eye to eye here). And if they didn’t she defends them in a loud and certain voice so that her parents hear and can get involved. My m-n-l on the other hand sees standing up for what is right against an adult as disrespectful. And time and time again reminds her she is to be respectful of her elders, which I follow up with loud comments like “When they have earned the respect.” (This never goes over well and we usually leave soon after…..)

Final Comments:

The point I am trying to make is this:

Did you ever notice…..

The people who are always telling you that you must respect your elders are the ones who have done nothing to earn it, and demand the respect because they are older. And that when you call them on this they get extremely upset about it?

The people who are respected because of their age, wisdom, experience and knowledge are the ones that never say this unless in jest. And also are the ones you can actually joke around with even if you are younger than them.

Just some thoughts on respecting your elders………

Yet more on Politics….From January 21, 2009

Now don’t get me wrong, I do view Obama’s election as historic, a man of mixed race has been elected to the presidency (remember, his mother was white people so it’s mixed race). That is historic, but this garbage with the plates and coins is ridiculous, and St. Louis had a petition to name a street after him. Why I ask? What has he done that is great other than get elected? Yes, it is HISTORIC, but not great, Not Yet. Give him time to show Greatness before you bestow honors on him. The man has the potential for greatness, this I believe. He is already building his cabinet and support staff from both parties, so the potential is there (provided the congress does not interfere with his plans—any comments on that democrats?). But potential and success can be two different elusive things, just because one exists does not mean the other will happen. It could turn out that he is the worst President in history, I hope not, I personally hope he lives up to his potential. Because if he does, then we could live to see another Camelot period of history (ref to JFK), Or at least an economy like we had under Reagan, before you scream, realize this, Ronald Reagan’s economic plan was nothing new, it was the same economic plan that John F. Kennedy used, it worked in the Sixties and again in the Eighties, that is where the budget surpluses of the following Presidents came from. It was the unregulated spending of the later decades and the deregulation of the businesses like the power industries and the airlines that started the problems we have now. The latest starting in 2006 after that election. I blame the congresses of those times more than the presidents for they control the money. Hopefully Obama can get them to control themselves and restore the economy. And if he does, the yes, honor him. But let’s wait until he does something great before we start honoring him, for all we know right now he could be the greatest president or the worst. And if he is the worst what about all those items you buy? All those items you buy will be worthless. And what will you say about the man if he does fail? “Well, we thought he was a good president because he was young and something different?” So let’s hold the honors until he has done something to be honored. Then if he does help change things for the better, honor him by re-electing him, name a street after him, heck, name a flipping aircraft carrier after him. Do something to really honor him, not this bogus money making scam of plates and coins, and if he doesn’t do anything significant, then vote him out. Four years is enough time to make change start happening, we will know by his next run for office. So I say, Wait and See and Pray for the best, and remember, the final vote is yours.

In-Laws Behavior - From Jan 2, 2009

Pre-Christmas Entry

I know that if anyone in my family reads this the defecation will impact on the Rotary Oscillator. But they had best realize that this irritates my wife, whose family this is, even more than it does me, she even has approval rights to this entry in my blog (only fair since she will catch just as much for this as I will).

Let's start with Mother-In-Laws, mine can be a real pip at times. What makes it okay for her to play obvious favorites and then get upset when the children are not that loving to her? Case in point, we live in another state from our families, close enough to visit, far enough to warrant a call before they come over or we go there. We chose to live there for several reasons:

1) We liked the school district, rated as one of the better ones.
2) We liked the area as far as neighborhoods, tax rates, and services.
3) I was far enough away from my wife's family that she didn't have to worry about interference in our marriage.
4) I was far enough from my family, because I have a sibling that can be a PITA..

Number three we had seen happen to many times with her siblings, and number four, well we have come to terms with that family member after a couple of major family arguments that had to be refereed by my father who put the foot down on both of us. Now we have an understanding which we both believe will work allowing continued peace and harmony…..for a while at least.

The problem that arose from us living away is this, even though we hear every year at Christmas how money is tight (isn't it tight for everyone), the grandkids that live within her grasp get treated like kings and queens and my children, well they get a few things but nowhere near as much. Now let the screams of denial start. To illustrate my point, last year we couldn't be there for Christmas Day (illness), so we went a couple of days later, Mommie Dearest went out and bought another present for a grandchild that lives with her (will get to that part later) so that "He wouldn't feel left out", the kid was 8 years old, old enough to understand (I know my son is) that you don't get a present every time someone else does. And before anyone says that I am imagining things, why then did my oldest ask me when she was five years old "Why doesn't Grandma love me as much as the rest?" (In tears after a typical Christmas at Grandma's house) All of the kids at one point or another has asked this. We tried covering at first but like bulldogs in a fight, they wouldn't let go, so we would say she did, just had a different way of showing it. As my oldest got older, she started to understand the situation and helped the younger two by telling the truth that we tried to shield them from.

(This next part is what my wife and I have discussed and come to realize over the years)

Basically, our children are being punished because their mother chose not to move back under her mother's control. Thus, preventing her from interfering and running her life. While she claim's to treat all the grandchildren equally, the two sets of grandchildren that are treated as lesser are the ones belonging to my wife and her oldest sister. Both children are not under the control of their mother (also the only children whose marriages have not ended in divorce. And both have been married 17+ years – 20+ for the older sister). Which led to another observation that was made, the in-laws (in this case the spouses that married into her family) are outlaws and never truly a member of the family. And God forbid you are strong willed and disagree with her, she is butting in. We saw this when we were constantly being called by one sibling or another, or their spouses grousing about this behavior going on. And one by one they all divorced because there were too many people in the marriage.

Now the kicker, which has my wife deciding whether or not we are going there for Christmas. I recently was diagnosed with Diabetes (Type II – Non Insulin Dependent), yes, my exercise level right now is low, I am overweight, and my dietary habits until recently have been bad. When questioned at my daughter's birthday party as to why I wasn't having cake, we told them. My Father-in-Law showed support, my sister first said she figured as much but that I could reverse it through diet and exercise, but my charming mother-in-law just said "I'm not surprised". Gee, real supportive person isn't she. But then, I am only an outlaw. That plus another reason, which I will discuss next is why we may not be present for Christmas.

Next, let's talk about in-laws and spoiled children. Most of the grandchildren are spoiled to some degree (even mine by my side of the family – but they also know and admit to it). But some not as bad (my one brother-in-laws son) because their parent/parents also teach them respect. In this case the worst is my sister-in-laws son. She and my nephew live with grandma because she cannot afford to live on her own, let's not mention that I had a job lined up for her with my company that would have paid 36K a year plus overtime – her excuse, she would have had to move, which I find interesting since one of the people she would have worked with lived about 10 minutes from her and commuted the distance – about one hour, but you see, she didn't want to give up the free room and board. It was either that, or as my wife put it, "Mom talked her out of it because she did not want to lose control." Now I don't know whether it is because she is a single parent, because she just doesn't know how to say no, or because she feels guilty for abandoning her daughter with the girls paternal grandparents - and if I hear one more time "they tricked me into giving them custody" when she told us weeks before that, that she was doing it for insurance reasons and because her and her husband were not ready to be parents, I will puke, she hasn't even tried to get a set visitation schedule. Her daughter has some emotional and developmental issues, the first probably cause by the abandonment and the second I believe is the cause for the abandonment. But for whatever reason she buys the kid anything she wants, and the kids it a brat about it, he always brags what he has, and will only let certain people play with things, even if he isn't (or hasn't in recent memory) used them. Not to mention, my oldest two have recently informed me that he has been bullying my son. Now my son has some issues, ADHD for one, and he is an extremely sweet and sensitive child, so this bullying hurts him deeply. But god forbid you tell anyone this, we have once we found out, we are mistaken. Well, my daughters have decided how they will handle him and they are doing this with my permission, if he starts bragging, my younger daughter is going to bluntly say, you have toys, we have a Daddy who loves us. (His father has only seen him once and never tried to again) Brutal yes, but so is the pain he is causing their brother. And if he starts bullying, my oldest is going to drag him to the nearest relative (and she is big enough and tough enough to do it) and rat him out. Neither is very PC but PC is not an issue anymore. Although I have not asked how physical she plans to get, hopefully no bloodshed.

Finally, my mother-in-laws comments about my children, this angers me more than anything else. My children aren't perfect, but they are good kids, they all get good grades in school (my oldest is about a 3.4 as a freshmen in HS with 3 honors classes, the middle child is an honor student in 6th grade, and my youngest, even with his problems is learning and progressing at the grade level he is supposed to be at for his age), the oldest two are athletes, my oldest soccer and softball, her sister, soccer (looking for a sport faster than softball that doesn't interfere with soccer), my oldest is also a Venture scout, her sister in Junior Optimist's and on Safety patrol, they both play music, oldest the flute, her sister the clarinet. My son is into Cub Scouts and video games, he is a Webelos Scout and soon will have completed his Webelos badge, he earned his Whittling Chip card (allowing him to use a pocket knife) and he takes it seriously. All of my children are like by their teaches (except my eldest's biology teacher and she doesn't know why-but that happens). On the other hand, they also have teachers who can't say enough good things about them. And finally, my oldest worked last fall as a referee, and is still trying to convince us to let her get a work permit to get a regular job, her sister wants to take babysitting classes so she can work as a babysitter. When my they helped my wife's work prepare for an executive visit, her boss had nothing but good things to say about them. That plus having friends, what more is there. Oh yea, they like to read too.

So lets see:
Good Students
Into service groups (Boy Scouts, Ventures, Jr. Optimist's, and Safety Patrol)
Well like by friends, teachers and most family.
And motivated enough to want to get jobs.

But they are poorly raised, okay, so my older two do have two major flaws (at least in my wife's family), they speak their minds and you have to earn their respect (and just being older does not earn respect), they got those traits from me and I hope they never lose them.

For all of the people who criticize my family, at least we are teaching them the skills they will need to survive in today's world.

Ya'll have a nice day and a very


You can take Happy Holidays and shove it somewhere.


Unfortunately (in my opinion) we went for Christmas, things did not go to bad but I believe some subterfuge was involve. When we opened presents all the kids got the same amount basically. The brat had opened his presents from Mommy earlier and he got a ton of stuff. Now when we opened the family presents I saw nothing that I knew he was getting from his grandmother, this has just been confirmed for me by inside sources. He had gotten a ton of toys which he opened earlier in the day. Again showing favoritism and again upsetting my children because Grandma "Didn't have enough money for a lot of toys" but she had plenty for the brat. And about the brat on Christmas, he started bullying my son, and my daughter didn't rat him out, she just smacked him good (I normally don't condone violence, but sometimes you do what you gotta do). When he went to tell on her, the person he told asked him what he had done. I guess other parents are starting to catch on. And as for my mother-in-law, I will be civil, for my wife's sake. But not much more. I hope she realizes I did remember her birthday, I just chose to acknowledge it as much as she acknowledges birthdays around here, if I am not called, I will not remember.

Have a Happy New Year....

More on Politics - Jan 02, 2009

You know something that irritates me about politics; hypocrisy. When Hillary Clinton ran for the Senate seat of NY everyone went on about how qualified she was. From what? She was First Lady, she's a lawyer, so what? As a lawyer she was involved in scandal, remember Whitewater? And as First Lady she was put in charge of creating a universal health care plan, which never got off the ground (Thank God, and for those of you who wonder why I do not like universal health care – take a trip to England and go to a hospital there. Enough said.) She had no policy making experience, yet she was qualified. Now Caroline Kennedy wants the seat, here is a woman who has spent her life "focusing on philanthropic issues that deal with education, health care, expanding America's interests in the arts, writing books dealing with the right to privacy and the Bill of Rights, showing a passion for civil rights and serving as a national board member of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund." (From Roland Martin's article) But all we hear is how she is not qualified, they don't understand that she knows that we need people who understand what it means to truly serve the public, and realizes that that is what we need right now. Not some senator who's only real goal is to get to the Whitehouse (and anyone who believes Hillary had any other motive is either blind or stupid). From what I have read in the political column's (you ought to try it sometime, you can actually get both sides of an issue if you read multiple sources), the real issue is that the dem's in NY are mad, you see, Caroline didn't support Hillary in her run for the primary, she supported Obama, and they don't like that so now they are bashing her. Because you see, the reality is that she is every bit as qualified, just like anyone over Thirty who has been a citizen for a while, because the only qualifications are this:

"No person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age of 30 years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen."

In other words:

1) Must be at least Thirty.
2) Been a United States citizen for 9 years.
3) When you are elected you must live in the state you represent.

That's it people, nothing more is required. So put a sock in it, get real, grow up and stop complaining. Maybe with her in office NY will have a Senator that they can be proud of. Now Illinois needs a governor that we won't have to prosecute.

Things That Bug Me -- Soccer Parents Childish Behavior - From December 08, 2008

I really hate unsportsmanlike behavior, especially from parents of my players. We had a lady today who after our girls beat the team that was expected to beat us (older kids from same school), she went over and gloated to one of the players she knew. Her own daughter called her behavior bogus. It went beyond that, it was childish, unsportsmanlike and in her case hypocritical. I say that because in the past she would complain about parents on other teams that would do it and now that her daughter is on a team that is winning she does the same thing. But she did not see anything wrong with her behavior. In the opinion of most of the parents she was an embarrassment, not only to the team, the coaches and the parents, but to her daughter and herself whether she believes it or not. She needs to grow up and act like an adult she would want her daughter to become, not someone that she would not like.

For all of you athletic parents who get ballistic at games and cause problems or embarrass your children, GROW UP IDIOTS! Sports games are about competition, team work AND SPORTMANLIKE BEHAVIOR. I know Winning isn't everything but losing sucks, but winning with unsportsmanlike behavior is Worse. When I have parents behave like this, I AM ASHAMED to be a participant in any sports programs. Unfortunately they are not ashamed of their behavior, but they should be. If I get another chance to discuss her behavior, I will personally tell her that most of the parents would rather she did not show up anymore. She embarrasses them with her behavior. Yes lr, it is you I am talking about. But she won't get it, those kind never do.

Just another thing in the list that irritates the tar out of me.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas!!!!

Stupidity and Shopping - From Dec 2008

Explain to me how a sale is more important than a man's life? I am referring to the morons who trampled a man to death at a Wal-Mart to get to the sales. I hope they realize that the murder they caused will destroy a family and I hope the sales they got sit bitter in their souls, if they even have one. And I hope if the State of New York is able to identify any of the people involved (they are comparing the security tapes of the people coming in with those checking out-wonderful thing about sales, people like to use credit cards, debit cards, and checks, so some of the people may be found), I hope they prosecute for at least manslaughter and ruin their lives like these people ruined the lives of that man and his family. They have a special place below for people like that. And I hope they all enjoy going their because that is what they deserve. And all this for a TV or some other electronics......rot down below you sons of female canines.

Things that irritate me:

(Just so you know, unless you can send an email with concise and logical arguments, it won't be read, just deleted. And if you want to call me names, don't bother, I spent 16+ years in the military working with Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and the Coast Guard so I have been called names by the best….)

People Who can't discuss politics without yelling:

I am a moderate Republican, I agree with the Republicans on most things, Democrats on others (I spend a lot of time studying the issues). I vote on the candidate who best fits what's important to me. There is one thing I have noticed in my 20+ years of voting, even though I do not agree with the extreme conservative right (Republican right-wing), at least they will listen to you when you are discussing politics (before dismissing your opinion and trying to explain why you are wrong), the extreme liberal left (Democratic left-wing) are unable to do that, the moment you disagree with them they start yelling their beliefs, refer to anyone who disagrees as a nut-job, extreme conservative, un-informed, just plain wrong, undemocratic, traitor, out of touch (these are all things I have been called just because I did not like a candidates stance on late-term abortion), my question to them is this, who are you trying to convince with your yelling? Me or You?

(Authors Note: This is about the extremists and they are all crazy no matter which party they support)

People blaming the president (any president) for the economy:

Ladies and Gentlemen: GO BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL, remember in High School where you were forced to study the three branches of the government (executive, legislative and judicial) and they talked about the various jobs they held and all the checks and balances. They told us who held the purse strings for the government, Congress, remember that? They are the ones who propose and approve budgets, the president can Veto of course, but then, they can override with a majority vote (2/3's I believe). So get a grip and if you want to do something about the economy, fire your congressmen and senators (you do remember how to do that? VOTE).

People blaming the Republicans for the economy:

Folks forget so soon.

Remember the election in 2006?

Thought you might like to read the following:

A little over two years ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democratic Congress in 2006 we have seen:
1) Consumer confidence plummet
2) The cost of regular gasoline soar to over $4.00 a gallon
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase )
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate.
(stock and mutual fund losses )
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure (And Rising).

America voted for change in 2006, and we got it!

Remember it's Congress that makes law - not the President. He has to work with what's handed to him.

People Who complain about the government but don't vote:

If you don't vote, SHUT UP. You have NO RIGHT to complain. If you want the right to complain, then take action and try to change it by voting, if you're really upset about it, the work for the process by campaigning, because if you don't vote your are saying you don't care, and if you don't care, then you have no right to complain.



Why is this issue a part of the presidential election? The only people it affects are the homosexuals (and the divorce lawyers since it will probably double their client base). I am a straight Catholic and honestly, I could not care less if they can legally get married or not. And why should I? I am not the one getting married, I doubt they really cared if I could marry my wife legally. You want them to be able to get married? Address this to your congressmen and senators, have them do something about it. And if they president vetoes it, they there is always a congressional override (personally I think they should be allowed to marry, why should the straight people be the only ones to suffer).


Why not? There is no proof anywhere that says homosexuality is either a choice, genetic, or even unnatural (I have done some reading and found that there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom and except for the wolves, it goes along as if nothing is amiss. Homosexuality is mostly a religious taboo (probably dealing with species survival). BUT, they have proven that children raised by two homosexuals (male or female) do not necessarily turn out homosexual. So they may turn out straight, just as often as children raised by straight parents may turn out to be homosexual. Being homosexual does not make you a bad parent anymore than being straight makes you a good one, lousy parents come from all walks of life.

Authors Note: I disagree with them teaching is as a natural alternative life style – UNTIL such time as they also put focus on children with two parents of different gender, or single parents (male or female) or children of divorced parents or children living with adults other than their parents. By doing that they are singling out one group as special. And that to me is wrong. If they want to discuss it, discuss all the various possibilities and make no one type appear better than the others.

The Economy:

Balance the frakin budget. You want a better economy, balance the budget, cut excess special interest spending "pork barrel spending", and lower taxes. You lower taxes for the rich, poor, middle class and business and people will have more to spend. They have more to spend the economy will grow. This is the "Trickle down effect" (also known as Reaganomics – which by the way WORKED you MORONS!!!!!!!!!). The Democrats don't want this though because a Republican did it – GUESS WHAT – YOUR WRONG!!!! This is the same economic plan (with minor differences) first instituted by a Democrat, John F. Kennedy, back in the Sixties. Both times we ended up with a strong and vital economy where people were not dependent on the government. Raising taxes, more spending are not the ways to improve the economy, and that is would our Democratic congress wants to do write now. Stop the insanity and elect some moderates.

Criminals (of the Felony/Violent nature and all crimes against children):

I am so sick of hearing about their rights. They committed a crime, they have:

The Right to Remain Silent. (anything you say can a WILL be used against you)

The Right To an Attorney. (If you cannot afford one, the one will be provided by the courts)

The Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial (but not to fast as to overlook all the facts).



As far as Cruel and Unusual/Inhumane Punishment – SO WHAT. You want a punishment to be effective, it has to be a little bit cruel so that they don't want it to happen again, and it also has to be a little Unusual/Inhumane so that it is clearly remembered. And for those of you against Execution, it does work as a deterrent. The guy you execute is deterred from hurting anyone every again. If it hurts while he is dying? SO WHAT, I bet the person he injured or killed didn't have a peaceful time during the committing of the crime, so why should the criminal?


To me the only reasons for abortion are Rape, Incest and if the Mothers life is in danger. If you cannot afford or do not want a baby, give it up for adoption cause there are better parents than you out there. Abortion is not an acceptable form of birth control. BUT, if you insist on getting it done, do it early (in the 1st – 3rd month), and for those of you who want late term abortions legalized – Do you realize that a baby can survive and be viable at the 6th month point (don't even try to argue this point, my sister is an RN with a BSN and works in the NEO-NATAL nursery of a major hospital in St. L. – by the way, for the uninformed that's a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing), so once you past the 6th month, the baby is no longer a parasite that can only survive inside the mother. It is a human being that can survive outside the mother, so what you call "Late Term Abortion" should be called by the police code 187, or Murder in the First Degree (planned and premeditated).

Now you are going to say, what if it's your daughter, well, my daughter knows she can come to me or her mother should anything like rape, or forcible incest should happen to her. I know it's not her fault but the fault of the poor dead person who inflicted this on her. And I would take her to the doctor and get the situation taken care of in the earliest months. Not waiting until the last minute.

Illegal Aliens

Arrest them, deport them, they have no rights. They are criminals, nothing more. Also arrest and fine their employers (heavily fine). And don't give me the garbage about my ancestors either, I have no problems with legal immigration. But illegal aliens are not that, they snuck in so kick them out. They don't deserve social security, welfare, free health care or anything as far as I am concerned. They deserved to get kicked out. And lets get the fence on the southern border done, and while we are at it, lets electrify it (with clearly posted warnings of course).
And what is this garbage about having to learn Spanish? You emigrate to any country in the world and you learn their language, you don't make them learn yours. If all our southern friends want to move hear, learn English, everyone else did. Besides, you will not get anywhere in Big Business if you can't speak English, is it the business language. (Hence, English as a second language is taught in most corporations over seas). Get with the program!!!

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, let's see how many people this upsets.