Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yet more on Politics….From January 21, 2009

Now don’t get me wrong, I do view Obama’s election as historic, a man of mixed race has been elected to the presidency (remember, his mother was white people so it’s mixed race). That is historic, but this garbage with the plates and coins is ridiculous, and St. Louis had a petition to name a street after him. Why I ask? What has he done that is great other than get elected? Yes, it is HISTORIC, but not great, Not Yet. Give him time to show Greatness before you bestow honors on him. The man has the potential for greatness, this I believe. He is already building his cabinet and support staff from both parties, so the potential is there (provided the congress does not interfere with his plans—any comments on that democrats?). But potential and success can be two different elusive things, just because one exists does not mean the other will happen. It could turn out that he is the worst President in history, I hope not, I personally hope he lives up to his potential. Because if he does, then we could live to see another Camelot period of history (ref to JFK), Or at least an economy like we had under Reagan, before you scream, realize this, Ronald Reagan’s economic plan was nothing new, it was the same economic plan that John F. Kennedy used, it worked in the Sixties and again in the Eighties, that is where the budget surpluses of the following Presidents came from. It was the unregulated spending of the later decades and the deregulation of the businesses like the power industries and the airlines that started the problems we have now. The latest starting in 2006 after that election. I blame the congresses of those times more than the presidents for they control the money. Hopefully Obama can get them to control themselves and restore the economy. And if he does, the yes, honor him. But let’s wait until he does something great before we start honoring him, for all we know right now he could be the greatest president or the worst. And if he is the worst what about all those items you buy? All those items you buy will be worthless. And what will you say about the man if he does fail? “Well, we thought he was a good president because he was young and something different?” So let’s hold the honors until he has done something to be honored. Then if he does help change things for the better, honor him by re-electing him, name a street after him, heck, name a flipping aircraft carrier after him. Do something to really honor him, not this bogus money making scam of plates and coins, and if he doesn’t do anything significant, then vote him out. Four years is enough time to make change start happening, we will know by his next run for office. So I say, Wait and See and Pray for the best, and remember, the final vote is yours.

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