Saturday, September 5, 2009

Things that irritate me:

(Just so you know, unless you can send an email with concise and logical arguments, it won't be read, just deleted. And if you want to call me names, don't bother, I spent 16+ years in the military working with Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and the Coast Guard so I have been called names by the best….)

People Who can't discuss politics without yelling:

I am a moderate Republican, I agree with the Republicans on most things, Democrats on others (I spend a lot of time studying the issues). I vote on the candidate who best fits what's important to me. There is one thing I have noticed in my 20+ years of voting, even though I do not agree with the extreme conservative right (Republican right-wing), at least they will listen to you when you are discussing politics (before dismissing your opinion and trying to explain why you are wrong), the extreme liberal left (Democratic left-wing) are unable to do that, the moment you disagree with them they start yelling their beliefs, refer to anyone who disagrees as a nut-job, extreme conservative, un-informed, just plain wrong, undemocratic, traitor, out of touch (these are all things I have been called just because I did not like a candidates stance on late-term abortion), my question to them is this, who are you trying to convince with your yelling? Me or You?

(Authors Note: This is about the extremists and they are all crazy no matter which party they support)

People blaming the president (any president) for the economy:

Ladies and Gentlemen: GO BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL, remember in High School where you were forced to study the three branches of the government (executive, legislative and judicial) and they talked about the various jobs they held and all the checks and balances. They told us who held the purse strings for the government, Congress, remember that? They are the ones who propose and approve budgets, the president can Veto of course, but then, they can override with a majority vote (2/3's I believe). So get a grip and if you want to do something about the economy, fire your congressmen and senators (you do remember how to do that? VOTE).

People blaming the Republicans for the economy:

Folks forget so soon.

Remember the election in 2006?

Thought you might like to read the following:

A little over two years ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) The unemployment rate was 4.5%.

Since voting in a Democratic Congress in 2006 we have seen:
1) Consumer confidence plummet
2) The cost of regular gasoline soar to over $4.00 a gallon
3) Unemployment is up to 5% (a 10% increase )
4) American households have seen $2.3 trillion in equity value evaporate.
(stock and mutual fund losses )
5) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $1.2 trillion dollars
6) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure (And Rising).

America voted for change in 2006, and we got it!

Remember it's Congress that makes law - not the President. He has to work with what's handed to him.

People Who complain about the government but don't vote:

If you don't vote, SHUT UP. You have NO RIGHT to complain. If you want the right to complain, then take action and try to change it by voting, if you're really upset about it, the work for the process by campaigning, because if you don't vote your are saying you don't care, and if you don't care, then you have no right to complain.



Why is this issue a part of the presidential election? The only people it affects are the homosexuals (and the divorce lawyers since it will probably double their client base). I am a straight Catholic and honestly, I could not care less if they can legally get married or not. And why should I? I am not the one getting married, I doubt they really cared if I could marry my wife legally. You want them to be able to get married? Address this to your congressmen and senators, have them do something about it. And if they president vetoes it, they there is always a congressional override (personally I think they should be allowed to marry, why should the straight people be the only ones to suffer).


Why not? There is no proof anywhere that says homosexuality is either a choice, genetic, or even unnatural (I have done some reading and found that there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom and except for the wolves, it goes along as if nothing is amiss. Homosexuality is mostly a religious taboo (probably dealing with species survival). BUT, they have proven that children raised by two homosexuals (male or female) do not necessarily turn out homosexual. So they may turn out straight, just as often as children raised by straight parents may turn out to be homosexual. Being homosexual does not make you a bad parent anymore than being straight makes you a good one, lousy parents come from all walks of life.

Authors Note: I disagree with them teaching is as a natural alternative life style – UNTIL such time as they also put focus on children with two parents of different gender, or single parents (male or female) or children of divorced parents or children living with adults other than their parents. By doing that they are singling out one group as special. And that to me is wrong. If they want to discuss it, discuss all the various possibilities and make no one type appear better than the others.

The Economy:

Balance the frakin budget. You want a better economy, balance the budget, cut excess special interest spending "pork barrel spending", and lower taxes. You lower taxes for the rich, poor, middle class and business and people will have more to spend. They have more to spend the economy will grow. This is the "Trickle down effect" (also known as Reaganomics – which by the way WORKED you MORONS!!!!!!!!!). The Democrats don't want this though because a Republican did it – GUESS WHAT – YOUR WRONG!!!! This is the same economic plan (with minor differences) first instituted by a Democrat, John F. Kennedy, back in the Sixties. Both times we ended up with a strong and vital economy where people were not dependent on the government. Raising taxes, more spending are not the ways to improve the economy, and that is would our Democratic congress wants to do write now. Stop the insanity and elect some moderates.

Criminals (of the Felony/Violent nature and all crimes against children):

I am so sick of hearing about their rights. They committed a crime, they have:

The Right to Remain Silent. (anything you say can a WILL be used against you)

The Right To an Attorney. (If you cannot afford one, the one will be provided by the courts)

The Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial (but not to fast as to overlook all the facts).



As far as Cruel and Unusual/Inhumane Punishment – SO WHAT. You want a punishment to be effective, it has to be a little bit cruel so that they don't want it to happen again, and it also has to be a little Unusual/Inhumane so that it is clearly remembered. And for those of you against Execution, it does work as a deterrent. The guy you execute is deterred from hurting anyone every again. If it hurts while he is dying? SO WHAT, I bet the person he injured or killed didn't have a peaceful time during the committing of the crime, so why should the criminal?


To me the only reasons for abortion are Rape, Incest and if the Mothers life is in danger. If you cannot afford or do not want a baby, give it up for adoption cause there are better parents than you out there. Abortion is not an acceptable form of birth control. BUT, if you insist on getting it done, do it early (in the 1st – 3rd month), and for those of you who want late term abortions legalized – Do you realize that a baby can survive and be viable at the 6th month point (don't even try to argue this point, my sister is an RN with a BSN and works in the NEO-NATAL nursery of a major hospital in St. L. – by the way, for the uninformed that's a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing), so once you past the 6th month, the baby is no longer a parasite that can only survive inside the mother. It is a human being that can survive outside the mother, so what you call "Late Term Abortion" should be called by the police code 187, or Murder in the First Degree (planned and premeditated).

Now you are going to say, what if it's your daughter, well, my daughter knows she can come to me or her mother should anything like rape, or forcible incest should happen to her. I know it's not her fault but the fault of the poor dead person who inflicted this on her. And I would take her to the doctor and get the situation taken care of in the earliest months. Not waiting until the last minute.

Illegal Aliens

Arrest them, deport them, they have no rights. They are criminals, nothing more. Also arrest and fine their employers (heavily fine). And don't give me the garbage about my ancestors either, I have no problems with legal immigration. But illegal aliens are not that, they snuck in so kick them out. They don't deserve social security, welfare, free health care or anything as far as I am concerned. They deserved to get kicked out. And lets get the fence on the southern border done, and while we are at it, lets electrify it (with clearly posted warnings of course).
And what is this garbage about having to learn Spanish? You emigrate to any country in the world and you learn their language, you don't make them learn yours. If all our southern friends want to move hear, learn English, everyone else did. Besides, you will not get anywhere in Big Business if you can't speak English, is it the business language. (Hence, English as a second language is taught in most corporations over seas). Get with the program!!!

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, let's see how many people this upsets.

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