Sunday, April 11, 2010

Current State of Political Affairs--Health Care:

Where to begin, the current party in charge had forced universal health care down our throats. What will this mean to everyone? Some people (the rabid followers of the current King and his jesters) would have you believe that this will lead to a Utopian society as far as health care is concerned, with everyone getting all the health care that they need.. Now let us journey back to a place I like to call reality. What will most likely happen will be something quite different.

First of all, let’s start with some of the problems with this plan. This plan covers everyone. On the surface that is good, but some of the problems I see are the abuses. Now the coverage for people who can’t afford health care but are working, that’s great, these are hard working people who need help. And for the people who can’t work for some reason and can’t afford coverage, again great. My problem comes from the people who chose to abuse the welfare systems. And don’t even try to tell me they don’t exist, I saw enough of them when I was out of work and on welfare programs like health care and food stamps. Yes, I said health care, Illinois has had health care for welfare recipients for years. I saw these women who continued to have babies so they could get more money from the system without having to work. They came in all races so don’t even think of calling me a racist. If you want the truth, the majority of the ones in the Belleville we white and from places with names like Freeburg, Smithton, etc. They were the ones I likes to call the “Trailer Park Diva’s”. My question is this, why should they have health care coverage if they don’t even want to try to get any kind of work. Right now, they know all they have to do is keep having babies and the government will support they, and now we are providing free health care. Don’t tell me this doesn’t happen, I see it all the time. If they want health care, get a job, even if it’s slinging burgers. Then I say they government should provide health care, because at least they are then trying to earn an honest living. Otherwise they should be SOL. (If you don’t know the acronym, ask someone with a brain.) The other group of people that will have coverage are the people working in this country illegally. Now why the heck are we providing them with health care, or any rights for that matter. People, illegal aliens are criminals, nothing else. So ship their butts out of here. Now I am not talking aliens/immigrants in general, I am talking about the ones that are sneaking across the border, not paying taxes, sending the money out of the country to relatives in other countries. The ones who don’t want to become American citizens. You want benefits and rights in this country, come in legally, start working to be a citizen, learn the language. Otherwise, as far as I am concerned, to bad if you get sick, should have played by the rules like the rest of us. That is problem one.

Which leads us to problem two. All these extra people that we shouldn’t be covering are going to cause taxes to go up, how else are they going to pay for it. Either taxes go up or it gets passed on to businesses, which raises costs, then the cost of products go up. Either way we are screwed. They keep telling us that it won’t cost us more, I still haven’t figured out how the government can take care of all these people and pay the doctors, nurses, etc; pay for the medicine, pay for facilities, and not have it cost the tax payers. Anybody understand the math involved? I sure don’t.

Now let’s look at what the outcome of the “Universal Coverage” will be, and before you argue that I am not dealing with reality, let’s put this in perspective. Several countries around the world have some form or other of universal health care and the results have always been the same, so this is our future whether you want to believe it or not. First thing that will happen is the cost of private medical insurance will slowly climb so that within 5-10 years the upper and middle middle-class will be on the government health insurance. That doesn’t sound to bad now does it. Except…..the government health insurance will be very basic, so forget a lot of the specialized tests and screenings that could save your life before the cancer spreads, or your son//daughter loses their hearing, etc. And the therapist your ADHD son see’s for his emotional problems, that is now probably going to be a intern who has no clue what they are doing. (REMINDER: This has happened in other countries and if you don’t think it will happen here. YOU ARE DREAMING) Oh, and that doctor that you have been seeing for years who knows your family history, forget about him, if your are on the government plan, clinic for you. And the clinic doctors, well let’s just put it this way. Someone had to graduate at the bottom of the class, the good docs are in practices that only take private insurance so that they can make money. That is our future. Just like Britain and Canada.

Prime example: Last month in Britain, a woman had been claiming stomach pains and cramps and went to the emergency room where the doctors told her she needed surgery to remove a tumor. And they did, about an 8lb girl tumor. The kicker was that she had been going to the doctor for symptoms of pregnancy for about 6 months and the doctors told her she wasn’t, after repeated tests. The hospital’s response was that they had made a mistake. Hmmm, guess the mistake was no big deal since no one died.

Another example, one that I witnessed personally, while on TDY a friend of mine broke his foot, we went to a British hospital (it was closer than a military facility) and they set and cast the foot. Three weeks later back in the states, a doctor removes the cast, treats the infection he got because of a poorly treated broken foot, then x-rayed the foot. Where they discovered it had been incorrectly set. So now they had to re-break the foot and reset the foot. And the second time the healing took a lot longer (10 weeks in the cast).

This is what we have to look forward to.

Now people keep saying things about how everyone has the right to medical coverage. Where does it say that? I know that the only rights we were guaranteed were life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But let’s look at that, Robert A. Heinlein, yes the science fiction writer but before that the military man who served his country, was a brilliant man. In one of his science fiction novels, Starship Troopers, a character of his discusses these “inalienable rights”. Below is the excerpt from the book:

"Ah, yes, the 'unalienable rights.' Each year someone quotes that magnificent poetry. Life? What 'right' to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What 'right' to life has a man who must die to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of 'right'? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man's right is 'unalienable'? And is it 'right'? As to liberty, the heroes who signed the great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost. The third 'right'?—the 'pursuit of happiness'? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can 'pursue happiness' as long as my brain lives—but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can insure that I will catch it."

Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.) – Starship Troopers

These are the only rights guaranteed in the constitution. The only other rights that are guaranteed are in the “Bill of Rights”. And nowhere is health insurance guaranteed.

In all of the amendments to the constitution, never has health insurance been brought up. Why, because that is not the kind of issue the amendments deal with. Liberty, Justice and government control. Those are the issues that it is meant to deal with.

This is just another way the government is slowly but surely creating dependency on the government for everything. Eventually there will be only two classes, the rich who managed to hang on to their money and there freedoms from the government, and the rest of us who have become dependent on the government for everything. Hmmm, sound familiar. Think about it, it will eventually come to you. The current party in control wants you dependent on the government. Independent thinkers are dangerous to them. They can’t be controlled.

SO WAKE UP AMERICA AND BE AWARE. Watch your rights and guard them, or they will be gone before you know it.

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