Friday, September 3, 2010


Only one thing worse than a childish friend or co-worker to annoy you:


      Let me start off with this statement, while the incidents may be real, the tone of this blog is all opinion and therefore neither liable or slander (the person that is there for is the subject of the blog and needs to reread the definitions of those two words).

      I have a relative, not going to name this relative, who is a ROYAL PAIN IN THE A**. Everything in the world is everyone else’s fault, this relative can accept no responsibility for their actions. This relative is female, I say this because it will make typing easier. Let's start with history, from what I have learned over the years she has never really liked her younger brother because when he was born she was no longer the baby in the family. Yes, as the baby of the family he was spoiled, but then, as the only girl in the family so was she. He wasn't the one given a car when he went to college, the first car that was truly his that he got from his parents he bought from them. But let's not go there, yet.

      Let's talk about careers first, this relative blames the fact that she does not like her career on her mother and her older brother. Her older brother's part was that he told their father that she would never be able to cut it as a lawyer, and because of this she feels that he is always putting down women and talking down to anyone who is not a lawyer. Not true, he was just looking at her past history and evaluating the situation, accurately too. And her mother forced her to go into nursing, again not true. Here is how the story goes from and outsider’s point of view, in High School she spent some time during the summer working at a camp for handicapped kids, and she loved it. So she decided she wanted to be a physical therapist. She goes to college for PT and to make a long story short, flunks out. (from here I am a little fuzzy because I was involved with my own life) But as I understand it from my parents, She decided to go to nursing school, got in, decided she didn't want to do it, quit and got a job. After about a year, decided to go back to nursing school, got in, completed it and became a nurse, she loved doing it for many years, until the last few when she had to work with jerks. Becomes burned out, and blames the fact she became a nurse on her mother, saying she wanted to be a lawyer in the first place. So we are looking at college and then two stints at nursing school. Which is everyone else’s fault that she had to go this route. Her spoiled brother who by her standards has been allowed to get away with everything, did one year at college, 1 semester at community college, and then was told to join the military or get a job, their mother didn't care which, but that he had 90 days before he had to move out of her house. That date got extended to his day he had to leave for the military. Yes, he has had to borrow money from his parents over the years cause he is a screw-up, no one’s perfect. But at least he is able to live mostly on his own with his family, and he seems to have his money troubles finally under control. His sister on the other hand, after having her apartment robbed - they didn't get much, they couldn't find the good stuff in the mess, had to move back home since she was too scared to live on her own (her words).

      She is a charmer in many other ways as well, she would sit at her father’s house bad mouthing and criticizing her brother and his wife in front of his kids, and then when she gets called on it states “your daughter must have been eavesdropping”. Hard not to since they were in the same room and she is speaking in her normal loud voice. She also told the younger niece she was getting fat, in front of her older sister, the younger daughter came home in tears, the older one told what happened. When confronted she denied ever saying it, which to me is calling the girls liars. If they were lying then why was the younger girl in hysterics? Tell me that, she hadn’t gotten into trouble for anything. (And trust me, any girl who plays soccer all year long and plays on not one, but three soccer teams, is not fat.) She is also quick to criticize her brothers weight, “under the guise of concern”, mainly to take shots at him. Of course that is the pot calling the kettle fat anyway. But at least her brother is doing the necessary things to lose weight, unlike his sister who diets, hires a personal trainer, exercises, and then drinks two to three beers, or several glasses of wine a day (and this is the minimum from what I have seen). I have never seen her on a social occasion where she did not have a least either two or more beers or two or more glasses of wine. Not good for weight loss now is it.  Now I won't say that this person is an alcoholic, I only know that all the symptoms of being a functional alcoholic are there, seen them many times over the years when in the military, and before that with my mother, whom while I love her/her memory dearly; I will go to my grave believing she was a functional alcoholic.

     This has lead to some estrangement in the family, oh well, at least now I have peace and quiet.  Until she is forced to live on her own, nothing will change.   When that happens then maybe, just maybe she will GROW THE HELL UP!

      Until, Peace and Long Life.......

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